The movie 'Life Express' is the story about an urbanized couple Tanvi (Rituparna Sengupta) and Nikhil (Kiran Janjani), whose life's pace revolves around their respective careers so much so, that they have no time to spend with each other or start a family. The film is also the story of Mohan (Yashpal Sharma) and Gauri (Divya Dutta) who live far away from the daily hustle and bustle of big city and are leading a poverty ridden life in a village and the challenges they face in their day-to-day life. The film deals with motherhood, love, aspirations and priorities individuals make in their lives, touching upon major societal issues, solutions and trading of human emotions for personal benefits.
Rituparna Sengupta is a fine actor, but is bland here. Kiran Janjani is miscast. Divya Dutta is the sole actor who acts convincingly. Yashpal Sharma, as Divya's husband, is okay. Dayashankar Pandey provides some comic relief. Vijayendra Ghatge, Anjan Srivastava and Alok Nath are wasted.
On the whole, LIFE EXPRESS is a lifeless experience.
On the whole, LIFE EXPRESS is a lifeless experience.
Rating by @nkit:- 1.5*/5
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